Cardiovascular endurance improved for 67 percent of respondents. A dramatic increase in energy levels were reported since transitioning to organic food, specifically 31 percent to 88 percent of the respondents who said they had "good" or "excellent" energy levels.
Cooked foods act malignantly by exhausting your bodily energies, inhibiting your healing, and decreasing your alertness, efficiency and productivity. The heat of cooking depletes vitamins, damages proteins and fats and destroys enzymes which benefit digestion. As your percentage of raw food increases you feel satisfied and have more energy on smaller meals because raw food has the best balance of water, nutrients and fiber to meet your body’s needs.
Raw foods are easily digested, requiring only 24-36 hours for transit time through the digestive tract, as compared to 40-100 hours for cooked foods. This unnatural transit time increases the threat of putrefaction and disease. When you eat cooked carbohydrates, proteins, and fats, you are eating numerous mutagenic (carcinogenic) products causes by the cooking process. Dr. Karl Elmer experimented with top athletes in Germany, producing improvement in their performance by changing to a purely raw food diet. Dr Douglas Graham, achieved similar results with athletes he trained. Raw foods provide you with more strength, energy and stamina.
On raw foods, the mind (memory and power of concentration) will be clear. You will be more alert, think sharper and more logically. Raw foods are light and will not leave you with a tired feeling after the meal. There is a tendency toward sleepiness after a cooked meal. Raw foods require less total sleep, and achieve a more restful sleep. Therefore, don’t waste your food, yourself, and our planet by cooking what you eat. Fruits, nuts, vegetables, and whole wheat are fresh, raw and giving you the natural energy and a healthier diet.
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