Monday, October 18, 2010

Organic Raw Foods

raw foods

Cooking often deteriorates the nutritional value of foods by leading to a loss of vital nutrients and enzymes. Heat tends to change the very composition of fat, protein and carbohydrates. A raw foods diet consists of unprocessed vegan foods that have not been heated above 115 degrees Fahrenheit. Raw food enthusiasts believe that foods cooked above this temperature loose their enzymes, and thus a significant amount of their nutritional value. Uncooked foods however provide living enzymes and proper nutrition. Proponents of raw food diets claim that there are many benefits to consuming raw foods, such as weight loss, improved digestion, increased energy, clear skin and an overall improvement in health. Many people eat a high percentage of raw food in their diet, about 75%. Although most enthusiasts follow a raw vegan diet, some include unprocessed dairy products in their diet. Typically, a raw food diet includes all raw fruits and vegetables, nuts and seeds, sprouts, roots, herbs, raw spices and seaweeds. Fresh fruit and vegetable juices are also included. Many raw food recipes such as salads and fresh fruit require little or no cooking, while others may require lots of processing and preparation.

Organic foods are high quality foods that are produced with minimal use ofchemical fertilizers, pesticides, growth hormones or antibiotics.Organic raw foods are nutritious and easier to digest than cooked or processed foods. Organic raw food is pure and unaltered, and contains no free radicals. Organic raw foods promote a healthy digestive tract, increase intestinal flora and alleviate digestive disorders.

A wide variety of organic raw foods can be conveniently purchased online. Organic raw foods onlinegreatly facilitate the purchase of organic raw food. A great number of such stores are available online. Many of them offer discounts and bargains.

Anorganic raw foods online store typically offers health education on vegetarianism, in addition to raw, vegan, organic foods and health products such as food bars, raw olives, spirulina, coconut, bee polen, goji berries, raw organic cacao, Sea vegetables and many others.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Organic Food - A Healthy Diet

organic food

If you are looking for the best way to be healthy, you know that you have to start concentrating on the food that you eat. The truth is that if you are not concentrating on eating the best kind of food, then you are really going to be sacrificing the health that you hope to gain. You have probably heard people say that you are what you eat. This is actually a pretty true statement, especially when you are looking to create a new you. You need to make sure that you are getting the maximum nutritional value from the food that you eat. You also need to make sure that you are avoiding as many toxins as possible. In order to do this you are going to need to start eating organic food.

When you are thinking about eating raw food for the first time, you are probably going to realize that there are not many cheap options. When you go to the grocery store you probably see that the food there that is organic is normally the most expensive food in the store. You might begin to think that the organic stuff is really not worth the price. One thing you have to keep in mind is that the fruits and vegetables that are not organic are those that are full of chemicals. This is what we mean when we talk about toxins. Therefore, if you are looking to be healthy and clean, you are really going to need to be sure that the food you are eating is truly organic.

Another great way to be healthy is to east raw food. When we talk about food that is raw, we are talking about natural foods such as fruits and vegetables that have not been processed or packaged. The rawest kind of food is a piece of fruit or vegetable that you pick directly from the plant. This is the best way to get all of the nutrients that you need. The honest truth is that when you eat food that has been cooked, prepared, or packaged, you are eating food that has actually lost a bit of nutritional value. This is not good for you.

If you are looking for the best deals, you are going to want to shop and find raw food online such as raw cacao, or dried raw Goji berries, raw nuts. This is the best way to get the nutrients you need for a low price. When you are shopping online you are getting the best deals. This is also the most convenient way to get the food you need to be healthy since you won’t have to deal with the crowds. You can get the healthiest foods without even leaving the house.